Friday 23 November 2007

The Murphy Syndrome

Murphy - me, student, lives in London and gay.

Syndrome - a combination of signs and/or symptoms that forms a distinct clinical picture of a particular disorder.

The Murphy Syndrome - 1.My blog. 2. A particular syndrome which includes symptoms of cynicism, bitterness, randomness, sarcasm and the occasional neuroticism. Cause is unknown and intense research is undergoing to find the root of this disease. Treatment includes excessive amount of time doing sports, preoccupying one's self with work(mainly studying) to forget the existence of the disease, a gluttonous meal usually work but with dire side-effects and alcohol, but again with side-effects. A sense of achievement usually cause the patient to go on remission but this is temporary. Research is being done on the treatment of Murphy's syndrome with "relationship." Relationship seems to have caused the patients to go on remission. However, after a short period of time, the patient suffered a milder case of Murphy's syndrome. Lots of time and money has been spent on the field of "relationship" on curing this disease but more time must be spent on the treatment using "work." Scientists have argued that if the patient do more "work" then perhaps an achievement might be gained and will cause the patient happiness and therefore remission from this disease.

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