Saturday 8 December 2007

Karma, it sucks

So I started seeing this guy a few weeks ago. It started with a coffee date. We hit it off right away. We chatted the whole afternoon in the coffee house and we ended up visiting numerous pubs. We exchanged travel stories, family histories, hobbies and weirdly enough, he gave me lesson about the history of London. I found him intriguing and knowledged. He knows vast information about the ins and outs of London and other random stuff. The first date ended abruptly with me having a social engagement with my friends and thinking that the coffee meet would only last 2 hours or so. We spent the whole afternoon together although he didn't give me a kiss which I was obviously dissapointed. Second date, I felt the fireworks. Had a nice meal and we went to a wine bar. The first kiss is so hollywood: In a bridge, both of us were dead silent and he just went for it. That night, I thought "I can definitely see myself going out with this guy for a reasonable amount of time." Due to him being broke, we decided to go on museum dates, which is kind of fun but not as exciting especially if you've seen the whole collection numerous times. However, I did invite him to my flat once and...well you know. He certainly likes cuddling and kissing - I personally like them as well.

After that eventful night, we went for another date and it went downhill from there. I realised how some of his behaviour pisses me off such as cancelling dates or delaying it an hour before because of lame excuses (he needed a lie in). His punctuality record isn't stellar either and he texted me saying "i'll be 10 minutes late. thing with me is you need to allow extra 10 minutes everytime :)" I don't want to sound like a whiney arse bitch but I really do hate waiting. During that date, I was really tired from the previous night and wasn't really in the mood to listen to him ramble about random things. We went to a museum that I've been to so it didn't really interest me greatly. Basically, I was miserable that day! However, it made me realise that perhaps all that "i'm gonna be with him for a long time" crap is just a sudden rush of feeling when you get to meet people for the first time. Everything just come out from a different perspective that afternoon. How selfish he really is by making me wait in a bookstore while he reads a book he wouldn't buy. Or by appearing ridiculosuly bored when I went to a shop because I need to as I don't have any other time to buy this blazer, and it only lasted for 10 minutes. The date ended in a very very weird way. He told me he needed to go home because X-factor is on and he a thing with his housemate that they always watch it every week together.

When I said this to my friend he told me, and I quote "Anyone who watches X-factor deserves to be single for the rest of their life." Made me chuckle. Maybe not for the rest of their life, perhaps just when X-factor is on.

The date isn't exactly a good one. We didn't even kiss which I think is a must for date especially if you've been seeing each other for 3 weeks. I decided to give him 2 more chances. I asked him if he wanted to go out, he told me he was busy that week. Fair enough. 2nd chance was tonight. I asked him if he wants to come over - he told me he can't because he's having drinks with his friend and that I took as a sign that he is not interested at all. I mean we haven't seen each other for 2 weeks and if he really is interested he would have said "i can't but maybe this weekend or next week."

To be honest, I'm not that gutted. My reasons are as follow:
1. He doesn't have the aura that he made an effort for a date. He's always in his t-shirt and jeans while I'm wearing shirt and trousers to be presentable.
2. He never arranged a date with me. It's always me who's asking him out. (maybe that's an early sign that he's not interested - but still, if he's not interested, he shouldn't have said yes to meet up)
3. He's in his phone texting his mate when we were on our date.
5. Speaking of sex, he's OK although I felt like his handjob was like a jabbing action to my bladder. I literally had a sore bladder the day after.
6. He never once called me to see how I'm doing.
7. He's cheap! We only been on a dinner date once and that was in Wagamama! How romantic.
8. He needs to work on his kissing techniques. His french kiss felt like his tongue was an electronic food mixer. It's all about slow massages mate.
9. He's to dependent to his housemate. Stop thinking that you're Will in Will and Grace. It's very unhealthy.
10. He said no to sex for X-factor! I mean come on.
11. Frankly, he's a little bit cynical. Disliking fat people is one thing but hating them because of what they are is just wrong. He expressed this opinion through the 3 weeks that we've been going out. Hating people just because they are what they are e.g. fat is like racism.

I'm sorry for my post to be a bit whiney and bitchy and below the belt. I suppose I am too sad to blog about anything else but my dislike of him because I honestly think that I wasted my attention and my time with him. Think about relationships, it's not just unity. It's also reciprocation and compromises which I didn't feel at all with this guy. But hey, we've only been going out for a month. I guess that was a lucky escape for me! Karma sucks I'm telling you. I'm pretty sure that he'll be interested in some guy in which he will dedicate his time and attention to him but he won't reciprocate him and that guy will send him to a wild goose chase. Karma will bite you in the arse.

P.S. I haven't told him that I don't want to see him anymore. I am a man of manners an am thinking of texting him saying that I've wasted enough time with him and I don't want to see him again. Any advice on what to say to him or how to say it to him?

1 comment:

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

"It ain't working mate" - ironically that works.

Blimey. I've been to worse places for dates. I find fancy is overated and sometimes too formal, esp when you don't really know someone.. plus certain resturants are perfect for making a dash for it if it all goes tits up.

I saw this guy who after three dates was still so shy that he made no attempt at even the most basic skin contact, forget as much as kiss.

Hear's to wishing you better luck next time.